Meet the New PEACE, Same as the Old PEACE

Day 745, 13:52 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

That's right folks, PEACE GC has officially chosen its new name, PHEONIX. From what I can gather it is the exact same alliance as PEACE, just without France. I guess they figured France was screwed with Spain playing ball with them, and they thought that a new name would stop them from failing so much. However, only one of these statements are true. I'll let you figure out which one 🙂

In other news, Spain is owning France royally at the moment, after winning three of their regions last night and, most likely, taking four more today, including a high-wood fortress region. But with a new MPP from Russia, it is questionable whether or not this offensive will continue successfully after today's push. Russia is the only heavy-hitting ally of France at the moment, and their MPP will kick in as soon as another French region is attacked. It is going to be very interesting to see how this ar plays out, and whether or not the rest of ex-PEACE will come to France's aid.

Oh, and watch out for bugs in the events section, because apparently NKorea attacked Kangwon Russia like 20 times at once 🙂