India has fun, I need workers.

Day 749, 17:03 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

India has decided to grow a pair and beat up Iran for a while. I say this is long overdue, and I am glad that eIndia has decided to make an attempt to reclaim what is rightfully theirs. It would have been nice if we could be in Asia right now having fun with them, but, alas, it was not meant to be. eIndia, I wish you nothing but success in reclaiming all your lost regions!

Also, I need skill 5 land workers for my grain company. Wages are 8.3 USD (0.2075 gold) currently highest wage in country for skill 5 land workers. Everyone who reads this, yes, I know I made a mistake buying this company. But I think I have a chance to run it profitably. Also, if you want to buy it pm me 🙂