EDEN Offensive Slows Down

Day 758, 15:25 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

In the last two days, the war has been much cooler than it has been for most of this last week. the eUS has stopped trudging through Asia after pushing Indonesia out of China, and the offensives against Turkey and Germany have pretty much stopped. Pheonix counter-offensives will most likely begin soon in Eastern Europe soon once the dust from the past few days settles a bit.

After the region of Xinjiang was liberated from Indonesian occupation and returned to the Chinese, along with Kyushu to Japan, American activity in East Asia came to a halt. Iran has given up control of all but one of their Indian regions, Jharkhand, which would require a region swap with India to attack, as would the last two Indonesian held regions in India. The Indonesian held region of Karnataka is the most important of these to take back, as it is a high iron region and a high-value target. The eUS will most likely try to region swap and take out these regions before continuing any further into China, since the fortresses of Liaoning and Hello Kitty are all that remain occupied by Pheonix. These regions, especially Hello Kitty, will be the battles to end all battles, and we will want to wait until the most opportune second to try to take either of these.

In Europe, Poland has yet to resume their invasion of Germany, and most likely will just try to keep the regions that they have taken for their high grain value, especially now that Germany has an MPP with Hungary that the Poles don't want to mess with. The strange Swedish war with Germany, which never produced an attack on the part of Sweden, has also effectively ended with Germany taking the Swedish-held region of Syddanmark, originally belonging to Denmark. Since Germany and Sweden no longer share a border, this war will remain closed for the time being, while we still question the Swedish motives for starting the war in the first place.

A little to the South, the Romanian invasion of Turkey has ended with Bulgaria taking the region of Marmara, and will not likely resume. Marmara was the only region Romania had in Turkey, that they had to go through Bulgaria to get to, and since they no longer share a border with Turkey, this war will end for the time being. Romania will not likely attempt to go through Bulgaria again with as many MPPs as they have against Romania now. At this time, Greece is in a difficult position, and must keep attacking Turkey in order to maintain the initiative and prevent a Turkish counter-attack. With all the MPPs that Greece opened up against themselves, they are in danger of being taken over by Turkey should the opportunity arise.

Finally to the far south, our Oceanian friends have been in some real trouble with an invasion by Brazil. Fortunately for them, with much of the rest of the war settled down, the Aussies are getting some help from their allies in these battles. Current DOD Orders say to help the Aussies by fighting to defend South Australia. If we can help them regain initiative, we can set the Australians in a position to take Brazil out of South Africa and, with some allied fighters coming in to help, push the Indonesians out of South Africa which we are all hoping can happen.

The energy that we saw at the beginning of this war seems to have died down quite a bit. If Pheonix is smart, they will probably try a counter offensive in Eastern Europe and, most of all, against Greece through Turkey. Greece is a very important ally, and most of EDEN will put their troops behind them. However, Greece is also a prime target for Pheonix because of its high iron. We must be vary careful in keeping the enemy occupied enough that they cannot take advantage of their new powerful MPPs in this region. Things will most likely heat up soon in East Asia, as we do not want to hold Chinese regions for long and want to push Pheonix out as quickly as possible. The battles for the high iron regions, especially hello Kitty, will be very difficult, and will surely cost thousands of gold on each side for tanking and buying weapons. These regions will result in enormous portions of each alliance's soldiers moving to Hungary/America in order to fight these battles, as neither side can afford to loose. With the stakes so high, this war can not stay this quiet for long.