Liaoning Has Begun

Day 761, 09:01 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

The first of the three long-awaited battles in East Asia has started. Everybody is to fight in Liaoning! Last night when the battle started, we took the wall down to 0 in about 40 minutes, an extremely impressive show. The current wall of 880k is nothing, and if we all fight hard we can take it down easily. Everybody, buy guns for this fight, and don't cheap out! If we win this battle, we end Iran's economic and military machine. Everything bit of strength they have left is fueled by this region, and neither of us can afford to lose.

If we pull this off, we can be on Hungary's doorstep tomorrow, and they are scared of that. The enemy will tank like mad in the last few minutes of this battle, and the winner today will most likely be decided by who spends the most gold. Iran will pour every last cent they have into this battle, and the rest of Phoenix is not going to be cheap when it comes to helping out. This will certainly be a nail-bitter until the end, and be a great opening act for the main show: Hello Kitty.

Arguably the most important region for Phoenix, Hello Kitty will be, beyond a doubt, the largest battle in eHistory. If this region is lost, Hungary stands no real chance of regaining it, and the same goes for Liaoning and Jakarta.With the Russians unable to perform any kind of block to slow the American advance, Phoenix will focus every resource at their disposal on this battle, should they lose Liaoning, and we will likely do the same. The result of these two battles will echo for months to come, and potentially decide the fate of the Phoenix alliance.

Also, I was one of the first people to fight this battle and held the Battle Hero position for a whole 70 seconds 🙂

I feel so special 🙂