Eden, Pheonix Eye The Situation

Day 759, 16:11 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

The World war has slowed down considerably today, with only one battle being fought as a conquest battle. Both sides are taking a minute to look at the current situation and decide where to go from here.

In East Asia the eUS must decide their next course of action and collaborate with our allies on how to accomplish it. We will most likely try to take Iran and Indonesia out of India before pushing towards the larger, much more difficult targets in northern China, although it is not certain yet what our leaders will deem the best course of action.

In Europe, all offensives have stopped, except a Slovenian blocking battle against Croatia. Poland has stopped moving through Germany, Spain has been stopped in France for some time, and Romania has been pushed back into their original territories. EDEN must decide where, if at all, further European fronts should be opened or continued. Romania has a serious threat from Bulgaria with all of its MPPs, and EDEN must weigh the pros and cons of further attacks and the MPPs that they may carry. Meanwhile, Pheonix must decide how to coordinate a counter-offensive against EDEN, or if not, then how to effectively defend themselves against further EDEN aggression.

Greece is in a very dangerous situation with Turkey, and must constantly keep up the attack, or else loose initiative and be forced once again to the defensive. Turkey possesses the MPPs to easily conquer Greece if some of their Pheonix allies can divert any EDEN damage elsewhere. And there is no doubt that once Turkey has a chance, they will take a shot at regaining their foreign territories in Greece and taking away a source of EDEN's high iron.

To the far south, Australia is still under attack by Brazil, although now that the other major battles have ended, they are no longer in danger of loosing any more regions. These MPPs on the side of the Aussies will likely be used to push Brazil back out of South Africa, if they ever gain initiative.

Update: The eUS is currently declaring war on Iran, setting the stage for a take-down of Liaoning, Also, Peru is declaring war on Brazil. Peru will take back as many regions as they can from Brazil, and provide the blocking necessary to end the Brazilian offensive against Australia.

That's about it for my analysis of the situation. It was a bit of a slow day, but a war this heated will not stay cool for long. Soon the military leaders of both alliances will have their battle plans ready, and the excitement will begin again. When it does, always fight smart, and follow DOD Orders. Buy and use weapons in important battles, and don;t be cheap! Most of all, remember that this is a game, and to have fun with it all!