Phoenix FAILMAX #1

Day 760, 06:51 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

Phoenix is a very new alliance, and as a result, they have not ha much of a chance to screw things up. Well, as it turns out, they mad their first royal screw-up...

I was taking a look at recent battles in the war, and I saw that we had moved up to take a border with Liaoning, the Iranian high iron region in China. This is before the current war declaration against Iran passed (at the time of this article we have about 11 hours to go). To my mind, this could only cause problems by putting is in such close proximity to Russia in that area. I expected the Russians to attack Inner Mongolia and Jilin in order to completely surround Hello Kitty, so that if we took Liaoning we would still have a fight to get through to our big prize. Yet the Russians remained inactive. I wondered why they would not attempt to start this block as soon as the final decision had been made by the eUS.

Then I saw this and it all made sense. Yup, the Russian president is banned. Immediately looking to see how long it would be before he was thrown out and the Russians could begin blocking maneuvers against the eUS, I couldn't help but laugh...

You see, yesterday, before he was banned, the Russians already tried to impeach him. This means that the Russians are stuck with a dead president for the next 6 days. They are absolutely powerless for this time. This translates into our one and only threat in East Asia being completely neutralized. Nice, huh?

There is now absolutely nothing that Phoenix can do to prevent us from closing in on their three most important foreign regions. Tonight the battle for Liaoning will begin, or early tomorrow. I predict that the Brits will make another failed attempt to block us, thus ending up becoming blocked themselves. France and Portugal cannot block us, because those wars were closed months ago. Nobody bordering us has the ability to stop us from attacking these regions. By the time Russia gains a president capable of doing...anything, we will have (hopefully) liberated all of China and North Korea, and be on to take Indo's 2 regions and Iran's 1 region out of India.

Phoenix, congratulations! You officially have your first EPIC FAIL! I can't wait for your blaming the admins of bias...I mean... acceptance speech! Don't worry about the celebration, we'll host it in Hello Kitty in just a couple days 🙂