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DGIN Members

10 Day 300, 19:10 Published in Sweden Sweden

It's been decided that we should promote those of you who are still active in the game, and demote those of you who are no longer active with us.

So by replying in this thread you will be moved forward in the party ranks. I will also chose the

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Why is FBS against a fee Denmark?/Poland, you suck.

53 Day 298, 13:10 Published in Sweden Sweden

Tonight, I am drunk. And I have several bones to pick. The title implies that I will solely attack FBS, that however is not entirely accurate. I would like to pick a bone with the Polish Secessionist Front. This pack of unprincipled Qvislinger, from

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Swedish Government Continues Politics of Exclusion

46 Day 295, 11:03 Published in Sweden Sweden

This is a long standing tradition of Swedish politics. Using political power to exclude your enemies from influence. Now naturally there has only ever been one power in Sweden, namely, Flashback Sweden so this is largely a critique of their anti-

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A Sign of Dissatisfaction!

19 Day 292, 08:22 Published in Sweden Sweden

Dear Friends

The time for Version 1 will appear soon. It appears that the major parties with the exception of FBS are supporters of independence of Denmark. It is time to create a sign of our unhappiness in Sweden. Not that Sweden is a horrible

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Short Thoughts on the Ups and Downs of the Danish Resistance

35 Day 289, 09:55 Published in Sweden Sweden

Copenhagen, DENMARK

Looking back at the time and space that we've moved in from April, I have gathered some reflections on the progress that Denmark as a movement has made, and some of the regressions too.

In the beginning we were clearly the

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