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Why Can't the Danes Stop Laughing?

11 Day 287, 13:36 Published in Sweden Sweden

A mysterious occurrence happened in the Swedish occupied territories of former Denmark earlier this afternoon. Social scientists are still unsure as to what has caused this jovial development in Danish culture. You see, since around noon when most

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Nu Sidder Madsens i Assens og Tænker, for tanker kan ikke lægges i lænker

1 Day 285, 17:52 Published in Sweden Sweden

Dear Friends

The elections are nigh. The general elections of Sweden.

Never before has the political atmosphere of Sweden been so beneficial for the cause of Danish sovereignty. The larger parties have all decided (much to my chagrin) that

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Danskmandbashi - A Call to Arms

8 Day 284, 16:30 Published in Sweden Sweden

Copenhagen, Denmark

I am shocked that I still get PM's from new danes and sympathizers who want to aid Denmark. It's just strange since I am no longer leader of the party, nor do I hold an political office anymore. Perhaps I truly am father of

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Danes, Germans, Poles- Lay Down Your Arms!

17 Day 282, 17:52 Published in Sweden Sweden

I've seen the recent articles. I am not blind. I am offended (as I inevitably am) that the Swede thinks we occupied people will fight for their cause. Their ridiculous expansionism.

No comrades, we must not listen to them. If you truly must fight,

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Swedski Jebani - Thoughts on Nationalism, Independence and Unity

8 Day 273, 18:56 Published in Sweden Sweden

Sorry Poles, I am just guessing that that's the word for Swede in Polish, honest to God I have no idea. Kurva!

This party, the Danish - German Independence Now Party is going to be reformed. Seeing as the Swedish occupation of Polish lands is

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