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The Importance of the FBS Elections for Denmark

3 Day 323, 15:58 Published in Sweden Sweden

Dear Friends, (Anyone see the US Presidential debates? The tradition of using 'Dear Friends' to start a speech or statement is as old as Franklin Roosevelt when he would address

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Death From Above

15 Day 320, 19:21 Published in Sweden Sweden

(This is an experiment. If you like this story and wish to read more stories like this, vote. If I get ...let's say 15 votes, I'll keep writing them.)

The cigarette in my mouth already started to taste like ashes. The shelf life of a package of

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Did anyone read those stories Skinke and I wrote?

17 Day 320, 06:24 Published in Sweden Sweden

And if you did, did you like them? If they were actually read by people then I am considering starting to write them again. I'll link them in chronological order now. (They are fictional re-tellings of the occupation of Denmark and the following

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Marxism - An Application for Erepublik

26 Day 318, 18:27 Published in Sweden Sweden

One of the things that's always bothered me about Erepublik is the absolute impotence of the Marxists here. Now I'm no Marxist. However I was once a Marxist, and in my time I've read most of the important works by Marx. I've read Lenin, Stalin and

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Political Masterbation, Honor, and Campaigning in E-Sweden

13 Day 313, 12:44 Published in Sweden Sweden

At some point you just get sick of all the terrible articles in E-Sweden. More and more I'm finding good articles. I've noticed the increasing tendency in E-Sweden of political blood-feuds.

One side strikes the honor of the other side. The other

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