Short Thoughts on the Ups and Downs of the Danish Resistance

Day 289, 09:55 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

Copenhagen, DENMARK

Looking back at the time and space that we've moved in from April, I have gathered some reflections on the progress that Denmark as a movement has made, and some of the regressions too.

In the beginning we were clearly the most loyal political resistance in the world. We held the faith in freeing Denmark up until around July though. And even by then I had become tired of Erepublik. The regression in the organisation of the Danish resistance lies heavily in the inability of the resistance to maintain interest in its own goals. This is part my fault for simply not caring way back when. I would also place blame on the slow development of the game, and absolutely no opportunity for any political recourse of the Danes at all. And certainly only bleak options for independence.

This short lapse in Danish resistance activity has allowed us to be surpassed. We no longer hold on to the shining glory of being the most steadfast resistance. Our brothers the Israelies and the Finns together with a small group of Russians have taken the political power of state from their opponents. I can only say that no one is happier that Forconin is out of power. Congratulations on your political victory brothers, you are now the role models for the Danish resistance.

However despite the inactivity of the resistance, there were a few brave souls who blazed our trails while many of us were inactive. I would like to specifically mention Ph03nix and HrBjørn. Two excellent writers. Furthermore we continually have new members joining. Of which I am very glad to see that development. Specifically Victor Stonefield (Stenmark?) who has a surprisingly large English vocabulary and Jack Nicholsen who's newspaper looks like it will be a very interesting read.

On this note I would like to mention one of the greatest successes of the DGIN Party. We are the literary field behind Sweden. Our articles are continously voted into top positions. Often times we hold the majority of the day's top 5 articles. Yes that's write, a minority party of 45 people in a nation of 2000 constitutes the intellectual and literary elite. I wasn't aware of it myself until HrBjørn pointed it out last night on

Currently 3 out of the top 5 articles are by Danes or members of DGIN. Which is exactly why you should join us. (Oh yes, this is turning into a campaign speech.) You should rightly be tired of the same boring parties that make up the political scene of Sweden. The difference between DGIN and every other party is that we are sensible in our methods. We don't issue Election Manifestos every goddamn 10 days. Especially since we know that nobody really reads those. We have only a few goals, the promotion of federalism, expanded autonomy and independence for all the occupied peoples. Our methods vary depending on the individual. Party work is taken voluntarily and without request from anyone in the party. You do what you want, you join the party because you want a free Denmark. Perhaps you simply want to be in a group of Sweden's smartest and most interesting personalities. I don't blame you, Sweden has a low amount.

Perhaps you are tired of politics in general.

The political atmosphere is good for Denmark. Many of the established parties support an independent Denmark, Germany and Poland. In fact I was astonished that one of the people who wanted to limit Denmarks independence was Flammbar. I had always figured he would support the idea of giving us Denmark back. Since he seems to like me well enough. It was severely disappointing to see that he was one of the few voices against. Heh even Ziggyzag was and is open to the idea of a free Denmark.

Join DGIN Today! Be part of the Intelligentsia! Make a difference! Make people think you are smarter than you actually are by being a member! They say that membership of DGIN increases your confidence, rugged good looks, sexual endurance and the size of your penis. Join today!