Swedish Government Continues Politics of Exclusion

Day 295, 11:03 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

This is a long standing tradition of Swedish politics. Using political power to exclude your enemies from influence. Now naturally there has only ever been one power in Sweden, namely, Flashback Sweden so this is largely a critique of their anti-democratic practices.

Flashback has grown fat from the power of carte blanche. There is no united opposition, and they have a political majority to do pretty much whatever they want. Naturally this means they will use their power to influence Sweden and recreate it in their own world view.

This in itself has created a tangled web of bureaucracy (and lies!). It goes from the local levels up towards government. I've mentioned it before and I'll mention it again. After the invasion, when I was made mayor of Copenhagen, mayors were "sudednly" excluded from the round table discussions. As long as mayors promised to follow Swedish taxing policies there was of course nothing special about being mayor and why they were involved in a discussion at all is amazing.

The tradition for exclusion however continues. The Swedish government in it's deathly paranoia does not allow the Swedish population (the one that like...elects them and makes them legitimate, as opposed to illegitimate) to view the discussions of parliament. This is quite odd. The claim is that it is for security reasons, but since wars are suspended what kind of security risk is there? And how much of the rest of the world even speaks Swedish? And despite that, how much of the surrounding countries even pose a risk to Sweden? This claim that the people can't know due to security risk is fraudulent, and raises claims of illegitimacy of the Swedish government.

Furthermore there have been complaints of FBS excluding the other large parties from the "regering" (This is the Swedish word for "government.") Now this really is no surprise, FBS always excludes. It is an exclusive party and an exclusive power, not an inclusive one.

Of course these complaints mean nothing. FBS has this ultimate power because they are the largest and only power in Swedish politics. The other parties can only accomplish anything if FBS feels like copperating. And this would be squarely your faults. Yes you the voter. I am holding you accountable for the actions of the party you vote for. If you don't like it, simply don't vote for FBS.

Sweden needs a change. It's already in the making. FBS gets smaller as other parties get larger. The population can smell the reeking carcass of Flashback Sweden, and at some point flashbacks will hopefully be the only way we can experience them in government again.

It is not alright for a political party to invade nations and then oppress and ignore the minorities. It is not alright for a political party to defy the wishes of the population by working exclusively and solely in it's own favor. As a perpetual self serving entity. FBS has become a leach on the Swedish society. At which point does FBS end and the Swedish government begin? Who do their policies really benefit? You? (if the answer was no, then I hope you didn't vote for them).

This political slothicity is so annoying. Why do you time and again fall for it? Even monkeys learn from their mistakes, are you dumber than a monkey? (answer no, you're a kind of guerilla, and most of you have mastered the ability to read and write. Most of you.)