A Sign of Dissatisfaction!

Day 292, 08:22 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

Dear Friends

The time for Version 1 will appear soon. It appears that the major parties with the exception of FBS are supporters of independence of Denmark. It is time to create a sign of our unhappiness in Sweden. Not that Sweden is a horrible country, just that Sweden is not *our* country. And in that light, how could we ever be happy here?

The issue raised quite often against Danish independence is "but Denmark won't have the same developed markets as Sweden! How could you ever be happy!". The answer to that is quite simple. The consumption inside E-Republik bares little correlation to consumer happiness. This is because everything consumed is entirely digital and really bares little effect on the overall gameplay. Sweden is not our country because of the language and cultural barriers. Because there are still Swedes who simply dislike Danes for being Danes (some of them express this unhappiness by spamming my articles.) Which is quite pathetic in it's own right.

And quite simply the path to power and the community in Sweden was and still is less developed than the Danish national spirit. This is no fault of Sweden's, it's much harder to organize a large nation than a small one. It's much harder to organize a nation with no next door enemies than it is to organize a nation with an incredibly large and hostile next door neighbor (Sweden, obviously.)

Sweden is not for us. And in recognition of this fact I would encourage all supporters of Denmark to temporarily change their avatars to the Kongemærket of Christian the 10th. King of Denmark during the nazi occupation. Christian the 10th became a darling of national spirit when during the occupation he would ride through Copenhagen with no body guard. A nazi SS soldier once asked a Dane why he had no bodyguard, and the Dane replied with "All the people of Denmark are his bodyguard, why would he need anything else?". He was eventually imprisoned in his home by the nazis due to a rather humorous event. On the birthday of Christian the 10th, Hitler dearly wanted good relations with Denmark and her royalty, so he wrote a very long and cordial congratulations to the King. The king replied with a very short memo saying "Vielen Dank, Hr. Hitler."

Which of course through Hitler into one of this famous tantrums. This was the last act of Danish insubordination, Hitler disbanded the Danish parliament and put King Christian the 10th under house arrest.

Christian the 10th for the entire occupation was a sign of resentment and discontent among the Danish population. In that spirit I encourage all Danes who want independence to adopt the Kongemærket. The symbol that is in my avatar and the image of this article.

Længe Leve Danmark!