Why is FBS against a fee Denmark?/Poland, you suck.

Day 298, 13:10 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

Tonight, I am drunk. And I have several bones to pick. The title implies that I will solely attack FBS, that however is not entirely accurate. I would like to pick a bone with the Polish Secessionist Front. This pack of unprincipled Qvislinger, from a nation known for it's Solidarnost, simply does not care for Danish independence. Now I would understand if they didn't care for German independence. Germany did invade them. However when I asked the Polish Secessionist Front what they thought of Danish independence, they blamed us FOR OUR GEOGRAPHY, THAT OUR GEOGRAPHY ALLOWED SWEDEN TO ATTACK GERMANY/POLAND.

My God, it's too bad we chose to be the northern peninsula of the European continent. If only we hadn't chosen to be the northern peninsula of the European continent, GERMANY/POLAND would be a free nation. Naturally this is a retarded statement. If Poland really wished to stay free, then they would stayed hundreds of kilometers east of where they are now, which is where the first Polish nation existed.

But the truly retarded issue is that they simply refuse to support Denmark, despite the fact that I and several other members joined PSF in order for them to actually be able to be voted for in the last elections. Now I see this was a mistake, our act of friendship was not politely rejected, it was rudely rejected. Our occupied brothers didn't politely rebuff our requests for aid in our struggle, they FLATLY rejected us for aid in our struggle. They have no interest in anything but themselves. Which is too damn bad. It really is a crying shame.

Now for the maliciousness of an FBS Government.
Today I was pondering why would the only large party in Sweden that would be against an independent Denmark. I thought over the reasons in my head.
1. Perhaps they are worried about their national sovereignty. This of course makes no sense. The only nations we border that aren't Sweden are England. I don't think England would invade Sweden. In fact, of course they wouldn't invade Sweden.
2. Perhaps they are worried about Goons/ or /v/akistani's invading Denmark as soon as we get independent. The Goons I don't think, are aware of Denmark at all. The /v/akistani's respect Denmark. I myself am married to Dio Brando. Dio Brando and the /v/akistani's have on countless times mentioned how much they like E-Denmark. Why do I mention this? Because that makes us the exact opposite of E-Germany, which back then was a nameless, cultureless and relatively empty of everything nation. Pakistan has never come to Denmark because Pakistan doesn't want to ruin Denmark. I would go so far as saying that Denmark is one of the few nations that Pakistan actually liked.

And then, you run out of reasons. The only logical reason remaining is that they simply don't want to let loose their territorial conquests. They don't want Danes to enjoy their own country. In fact they have said this on several occasions, "oh why can't you Danes just integrate and be happy?" "oh why can't you Danes just be Swedish?" blah blah blah BULLSHIT.

It is clear to me that the only reason remaining for the FBS control over Denmark, is to oppress and prevent an independent Denmark. To squeeze the ethnic Danes out of the game. Can anyone else think of another reason for the forced continued anschluss with Denmark? Is it so simple that FBS is the largest populist party in Erepublik? Is that it? That would contradict their politics of pragmatism. What is the reason?