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Dominik's Platform [Repost]

6 Day 501, 19:31 Published in Canada Canada


The RFP has recently changed its name to the Democratic Action League (DAL); this is to be representative of our beliefs- the desire for social change and an enhancement of the extra aspects this game has. If I was to get

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[CP Entry] If I Were an Admin....

5 Day 501, 02:38 Published in Canada Canada

Well, not initially; eventually for sure. I am certain, however, that at some point every player in this game has asked what being the admin would be like. There are several features I would like to implement including the ability to kill other … read more »

DAL Platform

19 Day 499, 22:36 Published in Canada Canada


The RFP has recently changed its name to the Democratic Action League (DAL); this is to be representative of our beliefs- the desire for social change and an enhancement of the extra aspects this game has. If I was to get

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[CP Entry] Real World Aspects of eRepublik

6 Day 497, 07:27 Published in Canada Canada

I can but marvel at the irony of receiving as a topic the discussion of real world aspects in eRepublik, when I have started an entire political party dedicated to enhancing just that. I suppose that the first question is "What is eRepublik?". We

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I'm Back

29 Day 495, 21:53 Published in Canada Canada

I made parole today after 3 hard days in the eslammer. It is good to be home, to see the sunlight, to feel the touch of a woman, to take a shower without another 15 guys. I can tell you all that my prison time has made me a new man. I used to be the

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