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Five Suggestions for Improving eRepublik: A SPAMM Contender

10 Day 475, 19:39 Published in Canada Canada

This is an official article competing in the SPAMM tournament:

I'm sure that each and every one of you at some point

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Evolution of Canadian Politics A.K.A. Manifesto of the Feudalist Party

13 Day 474, 11:14 Published in Canada Canada

eCanadian politics have undergone great change since the beginning of this game. It is an evolutionary process that will help us determine the direction eCanada should be taking. The final changes are currently happening on the eCanadian political

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Media Spam

21 Day 473, 16:50 Published in Canada Canada

Screw it! Too many people spamming the media with self-serving crap, not to mention the articles about nothing, articles selling things and articles about RL crap.

I am especially tired of all those wannabe media-mogul pricks! If you're tired of

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Thank You, My Supporters!

5 Day 472, 09:07 Published in Canada Canada

Hello Canada, this is Dominik, President of the Royal Feudalist Party and one of yesterday's candidates for Prime Minister. I wasn't having any delusions of grandeur when I entered the race, but was positively surprised at the number of votes I

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Most Charitable eCanadians?

8 Day 467, 08:20 Published in Canada Canada

As I'm hoping you all know, I run a little charity called CAF-CO: that supports our fighting men and women. Many have donated generously including veterans donating large sums or new players donating

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