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The RFP and What Dominik Thinks of All of This

8 Day 490, 18:02 Published in Canada Canada

The RFP is pissed off. Yes, pissed off. Pissed off at PEACE. Pissed off at the arrogant Hungarians thinking they can take over nations politically and pissed off at Augustus Baldwin (that’s a sort of daily thing though). I, Dominik, will do my best

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CP Entry: Dominik

11 Day 489, 19:20 Published in Canada Canada

You know what a useful commodity would be? Opium. Yes, opium, and the coca plant while we're at it. Think of the wars waged for this valueable resource! Besides, we need organised crime in eRepublik- which is why we also need a killing feature.

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Augustus Baldwin: A Legacy

4 Day 487, 21:41 Published in Canada Canada

Comrade Baldwin left behind quite a legacy. I don't have time to write an article, but I thought I'd hop onto the bandwagon since everyone else seems to be doing it. All in all, Baldwin was a good citizen. A hippy, Quebec separatist, pacifist and

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Why Join the RFP

17 Day 482, 18:10 Published in Canada Canada

I have been preoccupied with posting detailed plans and comparative analyses, that I have not realised most people do not sit and read through all my incoherent ramblings. So I've decided, simplicity might be the proper expression of sophistication

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Endorsement completely of my own free will...

12 Day 479, 17:07 Published in Canada Canada

I *gulp* Dominik, hereby endorse Augustus Baldwin for CSD leader. I believe Augustus Baldwin is a truly fantastic individual, and will bring the CSD to glory. This endorsement was written of my own free will and no hand-guns or blackmail was

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