[CP Entry] Real World Aspects of eRepublik

Day 497, 07:27 Published in Canada Canada by Dominik

I can but marvel at the irony of receiving as a topic the discussion of real world aspects in eRepublik, when I have started an entire political party dedicated to enhancing just that. I suppose that the first question is "What is eRepublik?". We will receive different answers from different individuals ranging from "role-playing game" to "political simulator" to "conquest game". However, what I think makes eRepublik great in the long run, is the wide array of gameplay available, the fact that each of those people can play the game the way they want.

The questions arise "Do we take it too far?" or "Are we taking the game a bit too seriously?". I believe that the line between seriousness and role-playing is larger than people make it out to be. Yes, you are taking the game too seriously when you plan to divorce your wife because you got married in eRepublik or arrive at the Ottawa parliament buildings asking to be given "congressional access" every election, but there is a surreal element to this game that is what intrigues most of the players; the idea of being able to do the same thing that can be done in real life but with exaggerated simplicity and no consequences.

The military and company-running is a good start, but can get repetitive after a while. The only way to keep the game constantly interesting is by adding our own programs to it. In eRepublik, as a veteran player, I strive to keep the game from becoming repetitive for new players. This is why I started the RFP- it is a party based entirely on enhancing these "extra" aspects of the game, which is what the game is really about: gambling, rambling, religions, diligence, college, marriage, business, congress, IRC, bourgeoisie, forums, morons, sports, courts, journalism, and the occasional Baldwinism.