I'm Back

Day 495, 21:53 Published in Canada Canada by Dominik

I made parole today after 3 hard days in the eslammer. It is good to be home, to see the sunlight, to feel the touch of a woman, to take a shower without another 15 guys. I can tell you all that my prison time has made me a new man. I used to be the charismatic leader of a gang called the RFP, but I can't continue the life anymore. I will let others go down that path. For now, I will be the guy who goes to high schools and lectures about the dangers of drugs.

Though if you guys do manage to find the rat, I would be happy to have someone kill him. I am also a born again Pastafarian. His Noodliness was with me all this time and has shown me the light. It just took prison for me to really get to know Him.

I am reborn and ready to serve society at some degrading minimum wage job!