Dominik's Platform [Repost]

Day 501, 19:31 Published in Canada Canada by Dominik


The RFP has recently changed its name to the Democratic Action League (DAL); this is to be representative of our beliefs- the desire for social change and an enhancement of the extra aspects this game has. If I was to get elected, I will initiate a series of reforms dedicated to creating a complex society with a hierarchy that can, in a structured manner, be navigated through by all players. My utopia would be a society where all players are involved in some program.


Section 1: Programs
a) National Lottery; A national lottery will be run and maintained by the state. Any profits will go towards social services. The government will also keep a list of trustworthy private gambling businesses.

b) Religions; The concept of religion (and any other society) will be introduced. This has already been partially implemented with the Church of the FSM becoming the first eCanadian religion. Religions will not be affiliated with the state nor will they receive any state-funding. Religions and organisations, however, will be recognised by the government when they reach a certain number of members and are run by Canadian citizens.

c) Ministry of Culture; A Ministry of Culture running as a sub-ministry of the Ministry of Domestic Affairs will exist. This will centralise all the extra aspects including the lottery and state-sponsored journalists.

d) Media and Literature; Canada has a vast array of skilled journalists and no party recognises this better than the DAL. We will continue supporting media programs such as the CP and OG. A DAP administration will also run a program to employ journalists by the state and give monetary awards to accomplished artists- this will be done from the Ministry of Culture budget.

e) University; A DAL administration will get the University up and running again. A nominal fee will be paid by students (mostly to make sure only people committed to the concept are becoming students). Any potential profits will once again go into social services (including the building of defense systems and hospitals). A basic high-school program will be put up anywhere which will be posted for free, students will then have to answer basic questions to qualify for a University course.

Section 2: Social Services

a) Health Care
The current health care program is working at excellent efficiency and will be maintained by a DAL government. Budget will be reexamined to calculate what the price for health care can be.

b) Education
Besides the University, the DAL will establish a giant centralised centre of information analogous to the eRepublik wiki, on the Canadian forums. Some articles from journalists relating to tips for new players may also be bought by the government and posted on the forums.

Section 3: Government Structure

a) Cabinet; There will be a hierarchy even in cabinet. The main composition of the cabinet will be of four positions:
i) Ministry of Defense
ii) Ministry of Domestic Affairs- divided into health, education, culture, communications and immigration each with their own sub-minister
iii) Ministry of External Affairs
iv) Ministry of Finance- also including the Ministry of Industry.

b) Regional Governments; regional governments will be reintroduced with a governor for every region- Ontario, Quebec, Maritimes, Territories, Prairies (MA and SK) and West (AB and BC). These six governors will then make up the National Council functioning much like a senate does. The responsibilities of each regional government (can be comprised of anyone/anything the governor chooses) will include maintaining statistics on their region, industry in their region, CAF recruitment, health care and education.

c) Security and Accountability; all government orgs will be required to provide a rough outline for their budgets (including the CAF) to avoid theft and misuse of funds. A new security act will also be put in place creating a concrete plan in case of any internal/external threat. Referendums will also be used officially on certain issues affecting each citizen personally.


Section 1: Taxes

a) VAT; I have been a supporter of higher VAT throughout my months in congress and will continue to push for it. My motivation for this is the ease with which company owners avoid income tax and the workers are the ones who end up paying it. The VAT is a much fairer tax to work with and will help keep our currency strong.

b) Income; I support maintaining relatively low income taxes with lower taxes on those industries that require development (such as the housing industry).

c) Import; Import taxes will be kept at appropriate levels for each product. They will be set low on industries that require foreign assistance (eg. Iron) and higher on industries that Canada can support itself such as food, gifting and most raw materials.

Section 2: Industry

a) Development of Private Industry; A DAL administration will support the development of private industry in Canada. We have excellent resources to work with and there is no reason why and industry such as housing should remain small- non-existent especially with the wood production. I support maintaining low income and import taxes on houses while providing loans to competent businessmen wanting to enter this industry.

b) State Industry; If elected, I will create crown corporations that will sell raw materials to our allies taking advantage of our raw materials an giving us a steady income of GOLD.


Section 1: Structure

Three divisions; A new, stricter hierarchy will be enforced under my presidency. The military will include three divisions with their own commander- reserves (current reserves, in addition to a new players platoon with minimal supplies that will be created), regulars (all of the current regular platoons) and the elites. This will make the supply chain even more efficient with soldiers being supplied according to skill.

Section 2: War Policy

Training wars will continue to done under a DAL administration but I would also like to make a name for Canada herself (rather than merely taking part in ATLANTIS operations) in helping new and small nations against military and political takeovers potentially building new allies for ourselves while gaining valuable experience.

As to concerns about the BPQ support of myself:

I don't, and never did support Quebec sovereignty. What I am is indifferent to the very concept. I am a strong supporter of a people's democracy. That is, if Quebec wants to separate in a majority vote and admin decides to do so, I will hold no prejudice. If a majority in Quebec is in support but the rest of Canada opposes, I would be willing to let Quebec separate as long as no treasury money is given from Canadian taxpayers. Quebec is of no strategic or economic importance to us, quite frankly and if the desire of this minority group is to separate I will allow them to do so.

What I am giving the Quebecois is a chance to be heard and their views respected and considered- nobody has given this to them so far in eCanada which is why they support me- not because I directly support their cause. I will support Quebec as a physical territory if the majority vote is in favour- I will support the Quebecois people as a nation within Canada no matter what. Thank you.