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Running for Congress/Candidato al Congreso

2 Day 642, 20:16 Published in Colombia Colombia

-As some of you may have noticed (probably not) I am running for congress in Orinoquia. I wish to help this country that we all live in and that gave me so much for the last 2-3 monts. That is why when ellected to congress I will concentrate on

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The upcoming release of citizenship

1 Day 608, 14:31 Published in Colombia Colombia

Erepublik Insider has recently released an article announcing the release of the citizenship module. If you have not read the article here is the link ( What I would

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Lets get an MPP

4 Day 588, 21:55 Published in Colombia Colombia

At first I would like to announce that I have failed in my attempt to PTO Colombia. The problem was that I was not able to occupy all the congressman seats by myself. I will try to steal all of your gold and money next month. (This who haven't

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The problem of overproductivity

5 Day 572, 10:46 Published in Colombia Colombia

I don't know how the other companies are doing but I have 100 Q2 food and it is not selling very well. We may be making too much food in this county. Too many companies were opened and now we are making more food then we can consume. Also,

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A response to the TO accussations

9 Day 568, 16:25 Published in Colombia Colombia

Lately there have been a lot of articles talking about how I am a part of a Polish PTO group. Most of this accussations come from one man, Jose Miguel. I am not going to talk about how evil he is because I believe that he is just overprotective of

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