A response to the TO accussations

Day 568, 16:25 Published in Colombia New Zealand by krzych32

Lately there have been a lot of articles talking about how I am a part of a Polish PTO group. Most of this accussations come from one man, Jose Miguel. I am not going to talk about how evil he is because I believe that he is just overprotective of his country. The only argument that he gives for his accusations is that I am not a native Colombia. Yes, I came from Poland but I did not think that it would make such a difference. Jose if I was a part of a PTO I would clear my friends list, and I did not do that. Also, why would I invest all of my money into creating companies in this country if I wasn't planning to stay here. Last but not least, If I am a part of a Polish PTO I would bring some friends, well you already marked me the leader so I will call them followers. If I am a part of a PTO post links to the accounts of my followers in the comment section. I am waiting for u to clear my name in your next response.

P.S. A funny story, When I moved to Japan (around Party election Time) many highly ranked showed up declearing that I am a part of an Iranian TO. I had to clear my name just like I have to do it this time.