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3 Day 347, 08:57 Published in Poland Poland

Czy ktos mogl by mi powiedziec cz widac wlasne oferty w monetary market?

P.S. Musialem zmienic imie zeby pisac w Polsce!!!!

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1 Day 347, 08:17 Published in Sweden Sweden

Czy ktos mogl by mi powiedziec cz widac wlasne oferty w monetary market?

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read this

2 Day 335, 18:12 Published in Sweden Sweden

Is it just me or I am not the only person that is not eating food.  I am not Eating food since V1 came our but I still get wellness.  The food just stays in the inventory.  Is it just me??

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Do you own a company??

2 Day 333, 19:07 Published in Sweden Sweden

If you do and its a manufactoring company then there is a large passibility that you are trying to sell it. 
I just wanted you to know that no one is going to it if the price for it is 40Gold.  I looked into "Companies for sale" and found

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Natural Resources (Polska!!!)

7 Day 308, 19:20 Published in Sweden Sweden

Drodzy polacy. Na poczatku chcialem przeprosic za moj slaby polski ale po pierwsze nie mam polskich liter a po 2 juz dawno po polsku nie pisalem.

A teraz do sedna sprawy. Zapewnie widzieliscie jurz tabelke z "resources" jakie karzda prowincja

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