The upcoming release of citizenship

Day 608, 14:31 Published in Colombia New Zealand by krzych32

Erepublik Insider has recently released an article announcing the release of the citizenship module. If you have not read the article here is the link ( What I would like to talk about is the way PTO's are going to work after the citizenship is released, so here it is.
In the near future every citizen that would like to change its citizenship will have to ask the congress for permission, but the congress will not vote on the citizenship of every person that would like to do that. Instead the permission to join a nation can be given by a single congressman. How is this changing the way PTO's are going to work in the future? The PTO's are going to be planned in advance. A PTO group will need to first send a person to a given country to first become a congressman OR pay off one of the existing congressman. I see two sides of this story, the first, possitive one is that people and finally going to pay more attention on who they are voting for instead of picking a person who they know nothing about. The second part is that it may end democracy in some countries, especially in the smaller one's. Govermants scared of possible PTO's may decide that for the sake of their countries they should not allow new player's to run for the congress and instead they will stick with people that they feel they can trust.

Ironically, I would like to announce that I am going to run for congress, I know that many people still believe that this is all a part to PTO Colombia but there is nothing I can do about it. So if you live in Orinoquia don't forget to vote (for me).