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Banking System

5 Day 683, 10:14 Published in Colombia Colombia

As you all probably know Carlos Vasco decided to run for the president. One of his economic proposals was the creatinon of the banking system. This is an article for this that would like to learn more about this system. Let me just say that this

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We lost the war.....or did we??

9 Day 670, 18:41 Published in Colombia Colombia

My fellow country man, we have just lost two american territories New Mexico and Texas, it seems that this is a great defeat. Many American citizens will start to spam our media telling us that we have lost and they have won. But the truth is

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The inquisition of the Multis

11 Day 665, 16:03 Published in Colombia Colombia

I would just like to start with saying that this is just something that I noticed and would like to share it with you. It's not really that important so I am not going to get a translation.

What I have noticed today is that a lot of people have

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About the Communist Party

13 Day 662, 08:51 Published in Colombia Colombia

This is a letter to all new players and to people who came here from other countries to help us fight the war. DO NOT JOIN THE COLOMBIAN COMMUNIST PARTY. This party is run by a group of traitors and communist radicals that broke the forum rules in

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Message to my fellow congressman

10 Day 645, 17:03 Published in Colombia Colombia

Yesterday I checked the "citizenship request" window and there were more then 10 people applying for citizenship. Today the window is empty, everyone that requested the citizenship was given one. On one hand it makes me happy that we are such an

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