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Why you shouldn't vote for me in the upcoming ellections

10 Day 698, 14:49 Published in Colombia Colombia

Helo citizens of the Holy Empire of Colombia.

Every month, just before congressional ellections, we see many article from individual players telling us why they should be given our votes. This time I decided to do something different. I decided

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End of our struggle!!!

8 Day 694, 18:54 Published in Colombia Colombia

Recently, I had a dream. In the dream, I have been visited by the great admin gods. There, they gave me the anwser on how to end our struggles. They told me that if we can't get allong we should devide Colombia into 1732 pieces (the current

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The days of anarchy are over!!!!!

13 Day 693, 17:24 Published in Colombia Colombia

I, krzych32, declear myself the sole ruler of Ecolomnbia and take full contol of all of the domain!!!
From now on I am to be addressed as the Great Emperor of Colombia, Glorious Leader, Krzych32.
To inforce this rule, 10 000 PTO'ers from Poland

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Propuestas de krzych32 para presidente del PUR

0 Day 692, 17:33 Published in Colombia Colombia

Hola, mi nombre es krzych32. Tal vez me hayas visto antes. He decidido ser candidato a la presidencia del partido por el mes de Octubre, he aquí mis propuestas:

1. Durante las elecciones al congreso, cada candidato deberá proponer sus ideas en

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Banco Eslavasco opens for business!

5 Day 690, 10:23 Published in Colombia Colombia

Ladies and gentleman,

A first private bank in colombia opens for business. For now, Banco Eslavasco will be limited to 3 activities.

1. Housing loans. For people who want to buy a house but can't afford it. New players should know that

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