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Sadness in her eyes

24 Day 1,534, 16:16 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

She often likes to ask herself, why am I so sad in life, why does everything have no meaning to me, why am I always looking through the window, is it a search for a divine place where all my worries will vanish away and my mind will be free? "Free

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A friend may arise in a most peculiar place

21 Day 1,533, 15:58 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

He may be a troll, he may pretend not to be a Greek and that he is Britannia, the way he likes to say it, he may like to troll others, but he has feelings too as you might have guessed. Although this isn't and won't be an emotional story about read more »

Zatišje pred viharjem

16 Day 1,532, 18:06 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Nenehna sprememba stanj, človeški faktor, krešenja mnenj med velesilami eRepublik, stvari, ki jim bomo v prihodnjih dneh še v precejšnji meri priča. To sicer ne govorim kar tako, govorice ne pojenjajo, da naj bi kaj kmalu Turčija bila spodvržena

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50 reasons why to quit eRepublik

146 Day 1,530, 13:56 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

It's hard to describe what this article is about, very hard, so it's only up to you to find the sense in it. There are ways, many ways, and it's only up to you to find them, although that's easier said that done. Imagine one day you had to quit

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Deception of the mighty ones

19 Day 1,529, 11:23 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I tend to often ask myself if eRepublik could be and is different than real life, and if it isn't why is that so. It's hard to give a precise answer on that, in some way it isn't real life in some way it's even a bigger representation of a virtual

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