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How does eRepublik relate to real life - comic!

31 Day 1,528, 13:40 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I decided to give myself a challenge and create a comic that will give an insight on how things work in eRepublik and out of it, with other words in real life. You can see the whole irony...


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Farewell to Italy, Macedonia?

56 Day 1,527, 14:36 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

After a period of numerous defeats Macedonians were finally able to extend their reach in eRepublik. Their first goal was to conquer Albanian territories, they succeeded in that and then went onto Italy. The first days were quite successful for them,

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21 Day 1,526, 14:54 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I often ask myself why, how, what's he meaning of it, why did it happen, does it have some kind of special reason. Why isn't just a question, it's just an indication that can give even more answers and questions all together. It may sound odd and

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The story repeats itself

51 Day 1,525, 14:46 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Some may say that superpowers in this game have a cult status, cannot be broken and will always find a way back to the top, some may say that it's a mission impossible for the smaller countries to defend themselves, some may say everything can be

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The story about a sad shout

23 Day 1,524, 11:04 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

This isn't a story about individuals, this is a story about an idea, how an ordinary thing, an ordinary meeting of an individual can change your life, the way you look upon real life, possibly even eRepublik. It is truly bold as love, you just read more »