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What to write about?

28 Day 1,522, 12:58 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

So here I am sitting on my chair wondering what to write about, hands slice the letters as they express themselves on paper, I still wonder what I am writing. The noisy movement of the hands, clicking, typing, it moves, the screen actually moves and

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Konec enih in začetek drugih sanj

46 Day 1,521, 04:00 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Lahko bi dejali, da je trenutno obdobje eRepublika obdobje, kjer se dogajajo precejšnje spremembe, spremembe, ki si jih bomo pomnili še precej časa in bodo na nas pustile globok vpliv. To sicer ne govorim kar tako, poglejmo si zgolj primer, kaj

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Interview with Plato

44 Day 1,518, 16:44 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

One of the most respected citizens in eRepublik, he often gets called by many names, in many different languages, he is regarded as the one who makes changes, people like him in times when they are completely not sober, when they are on the verge of

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Slovenia thanks its allies!

81 Day 1,517, 06:39 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

The urge for help, the urge for need, the urge to be part of something, you, my dear friends, the allies of Slovenia, have just showed us that Slovenians can count on you whenever in hard times. The signs of the mutual friendship cannot be broken

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Ideja združenih slovanskih držav

23 Day 1,516, 08:09 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Pogosto se v eRepubliku oblikujejo skupine, ki pozivajo k združitvi vseh slovanskih držav v neko celoto, v zavezništvo, ki bi prevladalo nad ostalimi. Resnica pa je na žalost povsem nasprotna, prav slovanske države so med najmočnejšimi, borijo pa se

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