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Prime Minister's Thoughts on the Medicare Debate

27 Day 509, 05:18 Published in Australia Australia

Hello Australians,

Although it may appear I have been absent from the recent lets say 'heated' debates over medicare. I have not and have been watching very intentely. The fact that an intellectual debate turned into what it did is very

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ADSP Party President Primary Elections!

7 Day 508, 04:25 Published in Australia Australia

Yes that's right the ADSP Party President election has begun, on our forums hosted by the national forums at Candidates are Br0adside and Mouj.

The ADSP's reasoning for hosting our

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Thank You All

32 Day 503, 01:03 Published in Australia Australia

Dear citizens of Australia,

I can not thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to lead you for the next month. The election was dead close, with the lead changing multiple times. A special shout out goes to corny-ratbag, someone who

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Patti11's Cabinet

17 Day 501, 16:40 Published in Australia Australia

Hello again citizens,
Here is my proposed cabinet if I am elected to Prime Minister of this great country. The structure of my cabinet is different from past administrations, with the abolishment of deputy ministers in favour of co Ministers.

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Patti11 for PM- Manifesto

48 Day 500, 17:32 Published in Australia Australia

Hello Australian Citizens,
Yes it is that time of the month where we as a people reach the crossroads of who will lead our great country for the next month. Shaded by the endless spam in the news of manifestos, promises and the occasional personal

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