Thank You All

Day 503, 01:03 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Dear citizens of Australia,

I can not thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to lead you for the next month. The election was dead close, with the lead changing multiple times. A special shout out goes to corny-ratbag, someone who I am extremely close to in this game. Its hard running against an enemy, but even harder against a friend. Would also like to thank everyone in the ADSP for helping me develop my policies, you guys have your flaws but when you want to shine you can. I also feel I have to thank all those who have mentored me in this game, Cottus Arci, Derek Apollyon, zaney, MachineMadness, Tecchi and corny once again have all made this possible. Thank you all.

Getting the Ball Rolling

Getting my cabinet signed in and making sure of their duties is my top priority right now. I will then move on to start implementing through cabinet some of my promised policies in particular the Inspector General. It's going to be a busy few days, so I thank you in advance if we are a little slow on things.

My Cabinet

Just a recap on who is my cabinet. All your questions relating to these departments should be directed to them.

Prime Minister: Patti11
Deputy Prime Minister: Widdows9000
Ministers for Finance: Cottus Arci/Juan Tamad
Ministers for Defense: Widdows900/Deilos
Ministers for Industry: corny-ratbag/scotywest
Ministers for Foreign Affairs: Vincent Grey/taytaz
Ministers for Social Services: Br0adside/Alte Altus
Ministers for Culture: Derek Apollyon/Mouj
Ministers for Immigration: Applications Pending

If anybody thinks they have the required skills to be a Minister for Immigration please PM me ASAP. You need to have a fairly large library of games to promote eAustralia yet also be able to do some promotion ingame. An outline of your plan for the role would also be appreciated.

FInal Thanks

Thank you once again for gracing me with such an opportunity of leading you. My goal is to make Australia the greatest nation in eRepublik. However this can't happen with one person, it takes a team and you guys are the best I could ask for. I will not let you down,

Prime Minister of Australia