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10 Signs Your Addicted to eRepublik!

33 Day 496, 04:52 Published in Australia Australia

1. You wake up thinking about eRepublik

2. You think about eRepublik at times during work/school

3. You have to refrain yourself from saying'in RL' in everyday speech

4. Your podcasts library contains more than 1 eRepublik podcast


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New Forums!

4 Day 485, 04:10 Published in Australia Australia

I realised an article hadn't been released announcing our new forums so I guess its gotta be me 😉
The old forums at have now been moved to

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Good Bye Tecchi

18 Day 484, 03:40 Published in Australia Australia

Tecchi, our former MoD has just told me he has planned to leave eRepublik for good. Tecchi was one of the old guard here in Australia and as such I have decided to write an quick bio on him.

Tecchi started a little under a month after me in the

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First Address to ADSP

11 Day 484, 01:29 Published in Australia Australia

Hello ADSP members!,

First up sorry for the late address I had a lot to do before hand with MoD. Secondly, thank you for electing me your Party President to represent the greatest party in Australia. With over 67% of you voting for me I will do

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My Party President Bid- Patti11

7 Day 479, 17:04 Published in Australia Australia

ADSP members! As the time dawns on us to choose a new Party President I want to convince you why I am the most suitable choice to lead our party for the next month.

I have been with the party ever since its creation way back in December and I

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