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PM's Desk- We have made our decision Australia

74 Day 528, 15:56 Published in Australia Australia

Good morning Australian's,

The last 48 hours have been so very tense and I am sorry that I was unable to give more information on what was happening. Now that it has passed, I will shed some light on what has occurred.

South Africa, assisted

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PM's Desk- Australia, Welcome to the Cross Roads

33 Day 527, 07:12 Published in Australia Australia

Good evening citizens,

Thank you all for voting up my last article, we were able to muster 16 of our congressmen and cabinet. Quite a fete in less then 1 hour. We discussed some very important matters, which cannot be released now. I thank you

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12 Day 527, 02:29 Published in Australia Australia

Good evening Australia please disregard this message,

This is a message for all Senate and Cabinet Ministers. There is a very important talks on IRC in regards to Australia's future.

UPDATE: The next talks are at 05:00 erepublik time

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Full Senate Analysis- PM's Desk

16 Day 523, 06:10 Published in Australia Australia

Greetings All,
Here are the full Senate figures and a personal analysis from myself.

New South Wales- Total Votes: 188

Ranger Bob- ADSP: 33 votes. 17.5% of NSW
Mr Awesome- ANP: 19 votes. 10.1%
StewartB- TBP: 17

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Prime Minister Mid Term Update

24 Day 515, 18:38 Published in Australia Australia

Gday Australians,
It has just about been 2 weeks since I emerged as the winner of one the most epic duel in Australian Prime Minister election history. The country was split 50/50 and it probably still is so, so by no means has it been an easy 2

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