ADSP Party President Primary Elections!

Day 508, 04:25 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Yes that's right the ADSP Party President election has begun, on our forums hosted by the national forums at Candidates are Br0adside and Mouj.

The ADSP's reasoning for hosting our elections 2 days before the eRepublik one so the PP can get started straight away in doing what he thinks best is for the party. We get the 'honeymoon' period out of the way and it provides me a day to brief the new PP on his tasks for the month.
So ADSP members if you would like to have your say on who you think should leave our party sign up on the forums and once you have been given access by the NBA post in this thread to get access to the ADSP.

Lastly I would like to say thank you for enabling be to lead you for the last month. I believe I made our forums more active, which was my primary goal.

Thanks once again and good luck to both Br0adside and Mouj,

Outgoing ADSP Party President
Prime Minister of Australia