Patti11 for PM- Manifesto

Day 500, 17:32 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Hello Australian Citizens,
Yes it is that time of the month where we as a people reach the crossroads of who will lead our great country for the next month. Shaded by the endless spam in the news of manifestos, promises and the occasional personal attack is the decision of deciding the fate of Australia. Looking back to our rebirth in late November shows that we tend to pick a leader who provides strength, compassion and diplomacy to a country that sorely needs it. From the legendary Zaney, to Cottus Arci and the now incumbent Derek Apollyon doesn't just prove this statement, it adds value to it.

In this upcoming Prime Minister election, we have a chance to pick another to lead us and this is where I come in. I'm here to ask you to choose me. Not because I'm asking but because I believe I am the best candidate for the job. Why you ask? Let’s have a look.


Without a doubt, I have gained more than enough experience in my 8 and a half months playing this fine game. I have held positions in government including, Minister for Industry, Minister for Finance and currently, Minister for Defence and deputy Prime Minister so it’s safe to say I know the ins and outs of this government extremely well. My experience extends beyond the realm of politics, being a current General Manager and a former DropBear.


Communication is one of the most, if not the most crucial aspects of this game. In fact, the reason we were annexed back in early 2008 was due to a misinterpretation citing a response from Indonesia. I have the ability to communicate with all citizens, although most of you know that, regardless if you have different learning’s then myself. This is vital to any administration and I am extremely confident I can deliver in this area.


I feel and I am sure others will agree I am by far the most active government official in this country. Spending hours negotiating, motivating, facilitating and just talking to citizens shows how committed I am willing to be to get things done. I will remain active during my term as Prime Minister, and that is a promise I will keep.

Now on to the good stuff. Here is a brief platform on the upcoming elections, and what I hope to accomplish as Prime Minister of Australia.


Our military is itching to get some action but unfortunately, there haven’t been the funds to do so. This is extremely frustrating for all involved and I hope to change that. With my current military proposal in the Senate now, the Redback’s will get their gifts, DropBear’s weapons and if funds permit the ADF will get training all of which is part of our military overhaul. Other plans include a Democratic Military which I have been discussing with my future Minister for Defence if I am elected.

Democratic Military

Currently our Officers are being appointed to their position by Lieutenants who were appointed by Tecchi back in February. The system has been adequate so far, but there is room for improvement.
By implementing a democratic military where officers are elected to their post a number of things will happen:
-will create more accountability for Officers to do their job well.
-will revitalise our somewhat inactive military.
-will create more ‘squad rivalry’, which will increase activity.

I am also looking into entering a war through MPP once our Q5 is built. This will stimulate the economy and provide our citizens with war experience.


Having some control over our economy is vital for the country to prosper. Giving our Minister for Industry more freedom to monitor the market and educate Employers and Employees is something which I promise from my administration.
On the issue of money I will work with my Finance Minister to work out ways to increase our treasury but more on this in due course.

Foreign Affairs

Foreign Affairs, the department which contains the words on everyone’s lips, Indonesia. I have a good relation with Indonesia, being present at both contract talks and I will continue with the diplomacy our two countries have. In my term I hope to finalise our new contract, which will contain us regaining our regions in due course. It is irrational to be hasty in such a sensitive issue so this will take time. I thank you for your patience on it regardless of the administration. With that being said I still believe Australia should be neutral from ATLANTIS and PEACE GC. However that doesn’t mean we are not allowed friends. This brings me to my next point, a revamp of our Foreign Affairs department.
The Ministry will introduce a revised structure for better performance and efficiency as detailed below.


The Foreign Affairs Executive Committee will be the body responsible for foreign policy development and the achievement of Australia’s strategic foreign policy objectives.
Comprised of six regional envoys and a special envoy to PEACE-ATLANTIS, Each Envoy will be responsible for the management of diplomatic staff and the execution of policy in their region. They shall be responsible for maintaining regular contact with Australian Ambassadors in their region and will raise matters before the FAEC. An area in the Australian Forums shall be designated to facilitate this group.
A foreign affairs database which contains as much information as possible on every country in the world, including details on their governments, internal political scene (parties etc.), military strength and economic stability will also be created. Ambassadors would be set tasks by envoys in relation to the database on a weekly basis, at the end of the said week they would present their report to the envoy who would read over it and then give the go ahead for information to be entered into the database. Knowledge is power, and I want Australian to be powerful.

Cabinet Changes

If elected some minor changes will be made to how I run my cabinet. A few will me mentioned below:

Minister of Immigration

Would work to try and get more people to join Australia and will work in game and out of game. Should have a large 'gamebase' where they can actively promote Australia. For ingame promotion going to labour heavy countries and enticing them to get a good job in Australia is just an example of what they can do.


Many new citizens have told me they would like to get into the government to help out, but are finding it very hard to do so. This is why I will implement the ‘Apprentice’ scheme. Ministers will be able to find up to two apprentices (most likely through application) who they will teach the basics of how to run their department. Once they are trained up they will then be given some tasks to do. By training up as much people we will have a bright future for Australian politics.

Inspector General

I am a key supporter of a transparent government so while making all ministers accountable for what they do, I will also go the extra step in creating an Inspector General. He/she will be elected by the Senate and run independently of the Senate. The Inspector General will have read-only access to the cabinet and Google Docs created by ministers. They cannot be a current Speaker, Deputy Speaker, or Current Cabinet Minister and they will be able to hand out information to citizens on request.
I would like to stress that this isn’t all what I have planned if elected just an outline of my key ideas. An article will be released tomorrow announcing my potential cabinet. So until then, stay safe.

Let’s make Australia better, together,

Prime Minister Candidate
ADSP Party President
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister for Defence