Prime Minister's Thoughts on the Medicare Debate

Day 509, 05:18 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Hello Australians,

Although it may appear I have been absent from the recent lets say 'heated' debates over medicare. I have not and have been watching very intentely. The fact that an intellectual debate turned into what it did is very disapointing for me. Personal attacks coming from any citizens is not acceptable in Australia. If anyone wants to attack someone personally I will personally fund you some tickets to the eUSA where this kind of stuff is more tolerated. I know both of the main instigators quite well and I plan to have a talk to both of them. I am very disapointed in them and everyone else who managed to get caught in the attacks.

With that out of the way lets go back to the Medicare Debate, Gifting vs Tickets.

The Tickets method is not a new one and has been pre V1. This method is very effective of skyrocketing wellness is a short period of time, for very cheap. It is used by many countries, and infact eUK are enacting it into law as we speak.

The Gifting method is even older. Mayors of BETA used to do the gifting of their citizens here and was a great substitute in the times when the war module was offline rendering hospitals useless. Gifting also reaches a lot more of the population then tickets can for the same price. Lerts have a look at some figures.

Currently we spend 300AUD a day on gifts at lets say 2.8AUD each. That is 107 gifts produced or 21 people gifted 5 times a day. We also produce around 120 gifts from Medicare Gifts a day at 51AUD a day so that is another 24 people gifted. So all up that is 45 people gifted 5 times a day for 351AUD. 225 wellness a day.

Lets have a look at how much that 351AUD could be spent on tickets. Tickets are 28AUD a pop each way meaning 12 people a day get to benefit from the scheme. However, each will gain 48 wellness at the end of it meaning 600 wellness extra a day. Significantly more than the gifting scheme.

So the obvious question now is? Why the hell are we still using the gifting method? Well simply, a ticketing scheme would only benefit citizens above 40 wellness, the minimum required to fight, which is the only prerequisite for using a hospital. This means the most needy citizens, those less than 40, will not be able to benefit from this scheme, bummer.

So the next question is what is the best way to implement a wellness scheme? The answer is balance. A gifting and ticket scheme would work great hand in hand. However there is still one other option we have missed, the buddy scheme. This scheme works by a citizens finding a 'buddy', and they gift each other. This promotes mateship and costs the government nothing.

All in all, it is clear our wellness scheme is in need of an overhaul. I plan to work with Br0adside and Alte Altus on this in the coming days.

Stay safe and everything have a think about my first paragraph,

Prime Minister of Australia