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Running for e-Congress

7 Day 1,488, 03:05 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Running for e-congress
Game article by Saphire109

Hello people, I'm running for e-congress in the state of florida in the game.
I believe our people should obtain the lowest taxes possible, especially income tax. People should … read more »

Saphire109 Charity and Trust Fund

10 Day 1,486, 12:13 Published in USA USA First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Announcing Saphire109 Charity and Trust Fund
Game article for erepublik game by Saphire109
Program for eligible eUSA Citizens founded by Saphire109

I am declaring the Saphire109 charity and trust fund open to all public as … read more »

Members of my business coalition

3 Day 1,484, 12:10 Published in USA USA Financial business Financial business

The list will be updated upon applications.

the following are members:

Jason Welsh
Stanley Ibcus
Johnkennedy (the player in the game 😣)
Molly Emma
Farmer Harvey
Emergy Maxfell

If you have any basic

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eUSA Economic Analysis

15 Day 1,484, 09:05 Published in USA USA Financial business Financial business

eUSA Economic Analysis

Game article for eRepublik game by Saphire109

Here's my economic forecasts of the eUSA economy with the current
tax and geopolitical pattern.

Food Raw Material price floor: .25

Weapon Raw Material Price
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How To Become An E-Millionaire For E-Foreigners

8 Day 1,482, 16:20 Published in USA USA Financial business Financial business

Today was my journey throughout the world to find cheap stuff to buy.

I've traveled to just about every nation in the e-world and it makes common sense to me as a businessman to buyout every single product we have in the eUS market and sell it

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