Saphire109 Charity and Trust Fund

Day 1,486, 12:13 Published in USA USA by Saphire109
Announcing Saphire109 Charity and Trust Fund
Game article for erepublik game by Saphire109
Program for eligible eUSA Citizens founded by Saphire109

I am declaring the Saphire109 charity and trust fund open to all public as of today. The Saphire109 charity and trust fund is run by myself alone, Saphire109. I study economics and I feel that I would be taking the wrong approach towards enhancing our economic power through politics.

What I do
In order to improve our productivity and eUSA's productivity overall I emphasize a free market approach rather than a productive approach. By this I mean I want to fund new players with sales of RM which are far more profitable than factory production. It pays to just make US dollars and then trade for foreign currency and buy q5 tanks abroad in the game or bread. The economic approach I will be taking is to give an applicant enough money to start with around 60 RM farms or so per person and enough money to upgrade his town center to at least Q3. There is no requirement to get money from the trust fund as it is charity based.

Who is eligible
However, I want to fund only eUS citizens I find active and productive.
The normal trust fund package (the money eligible citizens receive) would be around 560,000 usd given to the player for free. Yes, free as long as he is proven to be an active and economically friendly player. The initial 560,000 is to be used to expand in RM farms (60 RM farms) and obtain at least a Q3 level of town center.

I have always believed economic freedom promotes human freedom, hence you do not have to give the money back to me at all. If you want to give any money back to the trust fund it is on a voluntary basis and it will be used to help other young players and enhance eUS's economic productivity.It could take time for you to receive a trust fund package maybe a few months to half a year. Yet once you do receive the trust package you will be able to self generate your income under the free enterprise system.

How to apply
To apply for the trust fund program vote the article and send me an in game pm or comment here in a manner as detailed as possible as to why you should be eligible to receive money from the trust fund. If you are chosen eligible you will receive a pm from me and specific instructions on what to use the money in, in order to boost both your profits and eUS productivity.

Cheers, Saphire109