Running for e-Congress

Day 1,488, 03:05 Published in USA USA by Saphire109
Running for e-congress
Game article by Saphire109

Hello people, I'm running for e-congress in the state of florida in the game.
I believe our people should obtain the lowest taxes possible, especially income tax. People should retain as much of their earnings as possible without harming eUS economy and defense budgets.

Summary for short readers
This is why if I take office I would vote for legislation to keep us free from taxation and give us greater civil, political and individual freedoms in the game. I will be making sure you get the most money you can get by subsidizing the treasury from my own personal funds as much as I can.

Econ Plan For Long Readers
I am amassing capital and redistributiing it amongst some young entrepeneurs which will further our economic interests. My goal for this year is the distribution of 560k to one eligible person to specialize in WRM Q4 and by that method to have someone else heping power up the economy module and also our strength. I believe economic freedom promotes human freedom and I'm taking steps towards the greater economic freedom of all eUS citizens and will within the following year be able to distribute over 1,000,000 USD in items or cash grants of 500 dollars each to people all over eUS.This should help everyone over time.

The economic policy I follow is free market over commune system. In essence I make 6,000 dollars at the moment
whereas a commune only makes 10 tanks per person in the game (280 usd). Including toolboxes and extra daily trades, I made 59,000 usd
last week. At this rate in about 3 months I will reinvest in my farms to expand to around 140 (they are 76 atm) and be making around
12,000 USD per day. At this point I will then save up and start funding a new entrepeneur. He and I will then in turn (as a team)
start funding any citizens by giving away 500 usd per person to a total of 2000 projected people for that year. We will also save
money and fund a third new entrepeneur by year end 2012. If I win elections I'll do all I can maybe I won't be able to tweak taxes
as much as I would like to ensure eUS still makes steady income streams but to be honest I will try to get it a little bit lower.
Mostly what I can provide is enhanced living standards through the form of charitable donations I will be able to meet with no
obstacles whatsoever.

If you have any questions, comments or observations please ask me so I can answer them.

Further Information (please read):
When I run for PP which will be throughout 2012 with my political cabinet formed I would like
to request the following.
Formation of popular congress (congress is the most important thing since they can pass bills)
Send me a PM in the game to be part of my political congress division
Minister of Propaganda position is open, I need a volunteer that's crazy good in propaganda
Send me a pm if you are interested in helping the propaganda of the cabinet
Ministry of economics has been formed at my discretion with one guy whose studying economics like myself and a power business group totalling millions of usd in net wealth
Need people for Defense Ministry
Send me a pm in game for this too, I need as many heads of defense as I can get. The more powerful or well connected you are the better.
Since this is a game I ask that you understand whereby how effective this system is proven to be and push aside any ideologies
so that we can form a stronger eUS and help our people which is what we are in this game for.

Vote Saphire109, vote freedom, wealth and prosperity for all