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A Guide To Wealth Creation

6 Day 1,513, 15:45 Published in USA USA Financial business Financial business

eRepublik Game Article by Saphire109
A Guide to Wealth Creation in Erepublik

Have you ever felt the need to be wealthy in the game? Ever wanted to do something spectacular with your money here like help others or encourage the arts or

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Exporting Overview

3 Day 1,512, 13:30 Published in USA USA Financial business Financial business

eRepublik Game article by Saphire109


Is the 20 extra gold worth the export prices?

At the moment with the high import taxes for importing to foreign nations I highly doubt the extra 20 gold for the export license is worth much at

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Perfect eRepublik Economy for Dummies

10 Day 1,492, 19:12 Published in USA USA Financial business Financial business

Perfect Economic Policy for Erepublik
By Saphire109

New economic policy by saphire109:
Abolish all erep taxes
Abolish communes-well at least try not to go to one they do not allow economic growth (they are inefficient as they cannot

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Examining State Run Erep Economics

10 Day 1,489, 23:21 Published in USA USA Financial business Financial business

Examining eRep we should venture forth and see how this model works.
State Run Erep Economics
By Saphire109

Something unacceptable in all modules and theories of real world economics merged with some real world principles in order to make it

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Help Me Out Guys!

10 Day 1,489, 17:11 Published in USA USA First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

eRepublik Game Article by Saphire109
Here's something I never understood even after reading guides I don't get.

How do we win a region in the game?
I know that depending on damage the influence bar moves and gives us points and first to reach

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