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Biggest RM Sales In History

8 Day 1,481, 14:17 Published in USA USA Financial business Financial business

Biggest RM Sales In History
Game article for erepublik game by Saphire109

With one of the greatest capital reserves and a networth of close to a 1,000,000 dollars in the game of eRepublik I decided to give you the heads up … read more »

What We Need In Foreign Trade!

9 Day 1,480, 14:31 Published in USA USA Financial business Financial business

What We Need
Game Article On eRepublik Game by Saphire109

Free Competition
What we need in this e-country is free competition.
When anybody complains about unfair competition (consumers should be aware)
If foreign firms want to … read more »

No More Taxes Policy

13 Day 1,479, 06:58 Published in USA USA Financial business Financial business

0% Taxation is the best policy that could ever be implemented in the game
Game Article of eRepublik game by Saphire109

Easy, people in the game do not need to rely on social welfare at all (it is a game after all).
Hence we … read more »

Recruiting Economic Cabinet

2 Day 1,478, 14:47 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello Gents Welcome to my recruitment,
eRepublik Game article by Saphire 109

As a large investor and businessman here in eusa I'm looking to recruit a powerful economic cabinet. By this I mean a powerful coallition of businessman that will allow

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One Million Dollars A Week

16 Day 1,478, 09:58 Published in USA USA First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

ONE MILLION DOLLARS A WEEK Game Article for eRepublik game
by Saphire109
As some of you might know I am a business driven player. Why?
Well first of all I'm quite peaceful and I learn a lot just from the in game economics. Not all of it … read more »