How To Become An E-Millionaire For E-Foreigners

Day 1,482, 16:20 Published in USA USA by Saphire109

Today was my journey throughout the world to find cheap stuff to buy.

I've traveled to just about every nation in the e-world and it makes common sense to me as a businessman to buyout every single product we have in the eUS market and sell it abroad. If only it were that easy. for the eUS citizens to be able to do it too.

Due to the high import tariffs set by other nations and a twisted exchange rates I have found out and calculated our products in all areas from RM to food and q5 tanks are the cheapest in the e-world. Indeed gentlemen there is a profit to be made if you are a foreigner. In fact you can make so many millions in such a short period of time it's not even funny if you are foreigner.

So heads up if you are reading this and live somewhere else. Our exchange rate and prices are the lowest in the world gentlemen. You can buy our dollars by selling your gold at 1000 dollars per 1 of your gold. With this say you buy food RM at .28 market price here in eUS and go back to say eArgentina where you can sell the very same RM for .35. Yes, if you are an eArgentinian this could make you very rich in one day as you have no limit to how much you can move willing you can pay the measly fee to come here and monetary market gold vs us dollar.

In essence even if you live in nations like eUK you can make money from us with your embargo even. YOU DO NOT NEED TO IMPORT ANYTHING. See gents our embargo applies only for imports but you can easily travel here and make huge fortunes. Here's how eUK, and any foreign e-nation citizens:
Travel to eUS, any location you want. Sell your gold for 1000 dollars per 1 gold or less w/e. say you sell only 5 gold and got 5000 dollars. You buy food RM for .28 and you get around 17,875 food RM. Go back to your ecountry say it is eUK for instance. then sell your 17,875 food RM for .32 each. 5720 GBP. Congrats you just made 720 in profit. Go back and repeat the system watching your profits closely. If your ecountry sells gold to you back to say 1000-1100 each of your currency you still make money.

And given my calculations just about any ecountry should make profit from this method as we have the cheapest produces in the eworld.

Current RM market prices:
2 days ago: .28
Yesterday: .27
Today Dec 12, 2011: .26

Announcement, last few hours price dropped to .25

Potential profits go up every day. Hurry Up!