eUSA Economic Analysis

Day 1,484, 09:05 Published in USA USA by Saphire109
eUSA Economic Analysis

Game article for eRepublik game by Saphire109

Here's my economic forecasts of the eUSA economy with the current
tax and geopolitical pattern.

Food Raw Material price floor: .25

Weapon Raw Material Price floor: .28

Q5 Tank price floor: 30

Q5 food price floor: 2.60

Here's my long term price prediction

Food RM price floor: .27

Weapon RM price floor: .29

Q5 tank price floor: 30.25

Q5 food price floor: 2.85

The current economic taxation analysis

25% income tax reduces the interest of young players therefore decreases our retention rate.

15% VAT in any resource decreases the will for the few businessmen we have in the game to produce more and give the consumers competitive prices

Ideally we should have 10% income tax and 0% Vat tax

Overall the rest should be subsidized through private enterprise donation groups.

What happens if you keep the taxes at the current level?

The following:

Overall potential GDP decreases

Low player retention rate

Inability of the eState to give incentives the economy

The fallacy that the state "reinvests" which is a complete fallacy because if businessmen were not taxed there would be way more production and hence way more stock in the market of q5 defense and food. In essence the eState does not reinvest anything it just takes money from businessmen who are productive and pours it into subsidies which have proven inefficient time and time again instead of concentrating in high income produces. 310 dollars gained from a q5 factory per day per person would be the equivalent of 2,800 dollars for all RM's you could buy in one day. In essence you become noncompetitive.

But what about the in game damage?

Many players that are not real economists think that this game has no relevance towards real economics. Such is a fallacy, in fact it is such deeply rooted into the thinking of the current council that they haven't realized the following.

Look at the numbers.

A factory costs 300 gold, let's say it's 300,000 dollars.
Per factory one person can only make 310 dollars a day supposing he also has 2 raw material farms. Under this format it would take 3 years of work just to pay off the factory. Does this show how inefficient communes really are?
Yes, you see if instead 300,000 dollars were invested in raw material companies you'd have 35 of them each producing a revenue of around 80 dollars a day per farm. This is a total of 2,800 dollars (90 tanks) versus the 310 dollars or 10 tanks in the game that the commune makes. Remember this is per person productivy. So we can therefore say that the free market makes people 9 times more efficient and productive. Suppose 5 workers worked in a commune without even taking wages. In the free market format of 0 taxes they would specialize in profit oriented industries making 14,000 dollars a day. In the state run industry they would be making only 1,550 dollars a day. In the game this translates to 451 tanks in the free market vs 50 tanks in the commune system.

As you can see the so called "council" is wrong in the aspect that it doesn't understand the relevance of free market policies in order to apply them in the game. Hence why I have an alternate group called the business coalition which dictates prices on free market policy and is far more powerful than the economic council in the game (not politically but we have a buying power of around 70,000 usd per day). Politically we will be more powerful however once we take office running for the federalist party in the game as of next year Feb 2012.

Now as far as damage goes, if ten people make 10,000 dollars a day that equates into 100,000 dollars a day.
Wanna know how much eUS makes per day? 100,000 dollars
In my term this would instead be subsidized by my business friends and hence this would result in huge economic growth. So much for numbers.

So I say to you "no more taxes" they hinder economic growth.