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IUP Apparently the New Home of BAPS

18 Day 295, 18:24 Published in Ireland Ireland

Strangely on election day the group known as BAPS has decided to make IUP its new home. Silly me for thinkning earlier they might want to throw the party elections that could never be their intent. No way. The BAPS members : Inquitus,

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Ireland First And BAPS Are Throwing The IUP Elections

41 Day 295, 11:40 Published in Ireland Ireland

I dont want to do this because it makes it seem like I am whining but it has to be done. Today three known BAPS members have joined IUP. Before this date all BAPS members have exclusively belonged to IF and have hated everything I have ever done.

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Who Runs the SO " All in Ireland "

19 Day 294, 10:27 Published in Ireland Ireland

This SO " All in Ireland " sent my ExchangeBank 500 IEP to convert into gold but I am not sure if this is just some Victor puppet SO. If you are the owner of " All in Ireland " or knows who owns this SO please tell me. Any IEP believed to come from

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Patton and the IUP Party Election

10 Day 294, 06:27 Published in Ireland Ireland

I wanted to take this time to explain my intent and reasons behind running for reelection in the IUP. I plan on running in the party elections as of now however, if a candidate, that I think lines up with my views comes up, I will drop out of the

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Whats up with the Page

19 Day 293, 17:28 Published in Ireland Ireland

Look I dont know about Europe but the n-word is pretty damn off limits in America and is considered offensive to the extreme. Also I am puzzled at why this would be the front page for IF. Everyone please check this out

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