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My Views on Our New President

13 Day 317, 10:52 Published in Ireland Ireland

This article will be about my views on our new president 5n4keyes and his IFP party. .

First I am going to go over IFP "s manifesto and pick out some issues. After each issue I will compare it with my views

1. Proposes a minimum wage of 1

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Private Corporations To The Rescue

32 Day 308, 10:11 Published in Ireland Ireland

As shown by Brian Boru in his last article Ireland just got screwed over on resources. All we have is the basic grain plus iron. So we can make food and weapons. We definitely need to find some wood and oil resources and that is where the private

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I am Running Again

7 Day 300, 11:23 Published in Ireland Ireland

I have been selected by our esteemed party president of IUP to be the candidate for mayor in the Waterford region. First I would like to say I believe the current mayor, Quartermass has done an excellent job. That being said I have a few things on

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Congrats to Igor

7 Day 296, 17:02 Published in Ireland Ireland

I want to congratulate Igor on his election to the IUP party presidency. I will devote all my energies to backing our new leader and trying to further grow IUP. I will also be trying especially hard to reconnect with my old BAPS friends. It has been

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Following Advice

18 Day 296, 10:08 Published in Ireland Ireland

I have decided to follow H3AT's advice which can be found on his profile page.

Don't hate the player, hate the game!
Never argue with idiots, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

So Im done arguing about the

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