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Possible Rebirth of Third Army

6 Day 323, 06:49 Published in Ireland Ireland

Since I resigned from IUP I am thinking about reestablishing Third Army, Ireland's first and only mercenary group. With all the wars getting restarted in V1 and the new people we have now I think Third Army can be even a bigger sucess. To recap

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Cheap Q4 Food

1 Day 322, 11:02 Published in Ireland Ireland

My Q4 Food Company, Taco Bell provides cheap Q4 food on the market. Demand in much greater then supply and we usually sell out very quickly. We need more workers with at least a level 4 in the food domain. So if you want more Q4 food message me

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My Intentions To Run For IUP Head

12 Day 321, 11:50 Published in Ireland Ireland

I have decided to run for the party presidency of the Irish Union Party. As most of you know I was the previous president before Igor and I lost in the last election by a single vote. While in IUP I presided over the largest percentage growth IUP

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Praise To The President

22 Day 318, 05:42 Published in Ireland Ireland

In a move that I was unaware of,Ireland has just signed a mutual protection pact and a trade agreement with Canada. I applaud this move as this helps to secure our border and it also helps with the raw materials trade. I only wonder why nobody has

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Ireland's New Political Structure

8 Day 317, 11:12 Published in Ireland Ireland

In all my years(months) in Ireland this country has always been dominated by one party whether it be Peace & Good Life (oldie), IF, or IR. Never before was a coalition ever needed to pass laws. Now however, things have changed and I believe for … read more »