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Important Info for All IUP Members

3 Day 289, 10:54 Published in Ireland Ireland

On our forum at we will be discussing issues that are effecting our party and country. I want everyone to get together to make sure we are all on the same page. If you want to play a part in shaping IUP policy I

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Attention All IUP Members

7 Day 288, 13:29 Published in Ireland Ireland

To all interested IUP members I will be appointing some users to be officers in the party. In these positions you can help the party and show your face to the party which you could use as a stepping stone for gaining party rank. We can use officers

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Time to Check Out the Parties

10 Day 287, 10:45 Published in Ireland Ireland

With the Romanian Crisis behind us the other Irish parties are coming out of their shell to once again help shape Ireland. Many of the newer have joined IF without knwoing of the other parties and becasue we all lined up behind IF during the crisis

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Attention All Prospective Employees: Jobs Here

0 Day 287, 10:27 Published in Ireland Ireland

Dugonia Industries will now be hiring in the food, moving, and housing industries. No experience is needed and we will take care of you. Dugonia Industries is the longest standing SO in Ireland and is arguably the most sucessful. We will make sure

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The Irish Union Party's Plan For Economic Re-Stabalization (IUPPFERS)

6 Day 287, 10:21 Published in Ireland Ireland

With the Romanians behind us I would once again like to present an alternative to the IF party in terms of politics. The idea for this plan was given to me by a comment of Inquitus but his party has not followed up on it. I believe his idea was

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