IUP Apparently the New Home of BAPS

Day 295, 18:24 Published in Ireland Ireland by patton

Strangely on election day the group known as BAPS has decided to make IUP its new home. Silly me for thinkning earlier they might want to throw the party elections that could never be their intent. No way. The BAPS members : Inquitus, GeneralException, Clip, Moshea, Clodagh, dulpit, bandana and johthemany I am totally sure decided to join IUP on party election day for totally benign purposes. Not to mention there was an exceptionally obvious multi account made at http://www.erepublik.com/profile-1104431.html. Not quite sure who made it but I am sure that was just for fun too. And strangely enough new members join whenever I regain the lead. Infact IUP has somehow grown by over 20 members just today. What an interesting fact ! And to think it all happened on an election day. This all must be just a huge coincidence. Infact I am probably going fricken crazy because there absolutely nothing shady going on here.