Patton and the IUP Party Election

Day 294, 06:27 Published in Ireland Ireland by patton

I wanted to take this time to explain my intent and reasons behind running for reelection in the IUP. I plan on running in the party elections as of now however, if a candidate, that I think lines up with my views comes up, I will drop out of the race.

That being said I still have a compaign to run. For those people out there who dont know me I am patton. I am an experienced politician and have held a whole range of positions including party president of IF, party president of FF, party president of IUP and president of Ireland. My politics are centre-right. I try to encourage personal repsonsibility over government intervention. If elected these are some of the issues I will push

- Creation of a Currency Exchange Bank so people can safely trade gold for IEP without fear of Victor buying it all.

- Creating a new wage guideline so GM's and employees know the basic wages for their jobs. ( wages still up to GM its just a guideline)

- Setting up Trade Agreements

- Eliminating all taxes except for import tax ( I propose to have 0 % tax on imports with countries we have a trade agreement with, However, I propose to have high import taxes with countries we do not have a trade agreement with. If they want to trade with us a trade agreement will be arranged.

So if your IUP and you like my points vote for me in the party elections