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My Return To Politics

17 Day 377, 15:38 Published in Ireland Ireland

Since I have become active again I have felt an acute sense of emptiness in my heart. I now realize that the only way to fill the emptiness is to again enter the pit that is Irish politics. I have rejoined my old IUP and I intend on shaking things

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Investing Tip

2 Day 377, 06:50 Published in Ireland Ireland

The IEP is at one of its lowest points in the history of erepublik. This presents an excellent oppurtunity for many citizens to get started on building wealth. My own wealth came from a situation exactly the same as this one. In the beginning of … read more »

Looking For A Party

10 Day 365, 11:32 Published in Ireland Ireland

I have decided to come back and im looking for a party to take me in. Since I have been gone I dont really know the issues but if the different party presidents could just send me their stances on the issues It would be much appreciated.

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Relaxed Investor

18 Day 359, 10:27 Published in Ireland Ireland

I noticed the article about the lack of gold on the market and I intend to remedy that as best I can. As many of you no doubt noticed I am no longer active. The demands of life have become to great for me. However, I will come on every once in a

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Manager Needed

5 Day 335, 11:55 Published in Ireland Ireland

I need someone who is a high enough level to run a company. Your job would be to go to the US or Canada I dont care and start an oil company in a region woth a +2 bonus. You would sell all the oil here at a price we agree on. I will let you decided

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