My Views on Our New President

Day 317, 10:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by patton

This article will be about my views on our new president 5n4keyes and his IFP party. .

First I am going to go over IFP "s manifesto and pick out some issues. After each issue I will compare it with my views

1. Proposes a minimum wage of 1 IEP.

I am concerned about the rights of workers. However, since the Irish job market has been historically competitive a minimum wage is not really necessary. I will not push for a minimum wage but will not fight it either.

2. Q2 Houses and over 80 % wellness for each citizen

As of now its not practical for the entire Irish population to have Q2 houses. There are 534 people in Ireland. Lets say half of the Irish people dont have houses and the avg price of a Q2 Home is 200 IEP. So that is 215 * 200 = 43,000 IEP. Now this is only assuming half the population does not already have Q2 houses. Also it might be a cheaper if we order such a big load. The bottom line however, is that is way too exspensive and 5n4keyes would have to raise taxes significantly or print extra IEP to do that. That being said his second part goal of 80 % wellness is easily achievable and I support any gift program he puts forth.

3. Invest in Raw Material Companies

I agree with this all the way. Ireland needs to have its raw materials in order to thrive. I myself in the private sector have already made moves to accomplish this. Dugonia Industries, Pure Group, and ISG are all very focused on getting Ireland its materials for production.

4. Making Sure Every Party No Matter How Small Is Represented in Congress

I am not sure how you will do this but my personal view is if you dont have enough people to get 1 seat in congress then your not active enough to need representation.

These were some of his basic points that I saw in his manifesto which can be viewed at I encourage everybody to read it an addition to reading this article. If you like this article please subscribe, vote and comment